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Holy Thursday/ Wielki Czwartek
Mass at 7:00 PM (English/Polish)
Good Friday/ Wielki PiÄ…tek
Stations of the Cross at 3:00 PM (English)
Droga Krzyżowa o 3:30 PM (Polish)
The Passion of the Lord/ Męka Pańska at 7:00 PM (English/Polish)
Holy Saturday/ Wielka Sobota
Blessing of the Food/ PoÅ›wiÄ™cenie Pokarmów 11:00 AM (Polish)
Easter Vigil/ Wiglia Paschalna 8:00 PM (English)
Easter Sunday/ Wielkanoc
Mass at 7:00 AM (Polish)
Mass at 9:00 AM (English)
Happy Easter To You And Your Family!
Wesołego Alleluja Dla Wszytkich Parafian!
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