Opening - Director of Music Ministry at St. Joseph's Church
A Director of Music at St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church in South Jamaica, Queens, develops and leads the worship music ministry for the church, in consultation with the pastor, in a way that is consistent with the mission, values, theology and spirit of Vatican II, and reflective of diversity and ethnicity of the local church community.
He/she plans and selects music for Sunday, holy days, and other worship services
Arranges songs, and directs all musical performances in live worship settings for the local community (Sundays at 9:00 AM)
Recruits, motivates, supervises, and shepherds musicians, both paid and volunteers as to their musical performance and professional behavior
Aspires to develop a state-of-the-art musical program that aims to be exceptional in this part of the city
Aims to create a program that attracts and leads people to worship
Has an exclusive ability to hire/fire musicians and volunteers as he/she sees them (un)fit for the vision and excellence of the program
Schedules, organizes, and conducts a regular weekly rehearsal that lasts at least 90 minutes
Meets with Pastor to discuss musical issues, plans, and concerns on a regular basis
Arrives at least 30 minutes before services and assures functionality of instruments and the sound system
Recommends the tuning, maintenance, replacement, and/or purchase of new musical instruments and other equipment
Oversees filing and general organization of the music library
Oversees any subscriptions (except for annual missalettes) and copyright issues pertaining to the musical sources and materials
Collaborates with Media Team to enhance worship experiences across all services and platforms
Communicates with the Coordinator of Media Ministry about musical choices at least one week before the service, or as soon as they are available
Collaborates with the Steel Pan Band and other standing, or impromptu groups/choirs/bands at St. Joseph’s
Maintains a contact list of all choir/band members and substitutes and notifies the pastor about any concerns or issues concerning personnel
Authentic Christian faith and relationship with God
Love and respect for all people
Committed to St. Joseph's vision, leadership, and people
Dependable, responsible, self-motivated and creative
Effective leadership and team building abilities
Highly relational and encouraging to others
Excellent public communication and worship leading skills
Diverse exposure to songs of the Church: past and contemporary, mainstream Catholic, as well as pan-Christian and of ethnic background
Flexibility and creative thinking in a rapidly growing and changing church environment
Passion for seeing transformation in the lives of musicians and the people of the wider local community, and beyond
Multi-year previous experience in church-related setting
Ability to work in wide range of styles including Christian classics, yet with a focus on contemporary Christian music of a wide variety
Ability to lead worship and to train others
Professional quality piano/keyboard player
Composing, arranging, writing, and possibly sequencing music
Producing and directing special events and celebrations (including, but not limited to weddings, funerals, concerts, and other kinds of worship)
Experience with, or strong interest in other technical aspects of contemporary services, e.g.: sound systems, video editing, live streaming, music production software (ProTools, Logic Pro, etc.)
The pastor will conduct a regular semi-annual evaluation of the position and performance
This job description may be amended at any time, in response of the change of demands
Salary and compensation are negotiable
Fr. Chris Piasta, 108-43 Sutphin Blvd, Jamaica, NY 11435
Phone: (718) 739-4781; Fax (718) 658-5447; Email: stjjamaica@gmail.com